2. Building Automation System

Building Automation Systems (BAS) use computer-based monitoring to
coordination, organize and optimize building control sub-systems such as
security, fire/life safety, elevators, etc. There are several
1. Equipment scheduling (turning equipment off and on as required)
2. Optimum start/stop (turning heating and cooling equipment on in
advance to ensure the building is at the required temperature during
3. Operator adjustment (accessing operator set-points that tune system
to changing conditions)
4. Monitoring (logging of temperature, energy use, equipment start
times, operator logon, etc)
5. Alarm reporting (notifying the operator of failed equipment, out of
limit temperature/pressure conditions or need for maintenance)
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4. Data Acquisition and

Data Acquisition (DAQ) is technology provides the link between the
data-generating sensors and data-storing recording devices. DAQ can also
provide the means for driving external actuators from a computer, by the
generation of external excitation signals. DAQ technology includes both
hardware and software.
The data usually need to measure are - temperature, humidity, pressure,
pH data, distance, reflect, transparency, luminosity, light,
anemorumbometer and clock ... etc.
Sensors with analog output have a standard for industrial or automotive
output range (0/4...20mV, 0...5/10V, 0,5...4,5V, more), current output
usually is 0 - 20 m A. The Analog signal may be needed amplify The
Sensor with digital output is Hi, Low or 0, 1 or clock.
The task of data acquisition hardware is to collect incoming analog
input signals and convert them to digital signals for further processing
and storage. Analog Input Specifications is Number of Input Channels,
Sampling Rat, Multiplexing, Buffer Size, Range, and Resolution.
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